Thursday, August 29, 2013

The most beautiful declaration of love for theater

I do not listen to anything, and for ever, farewell.
ever! Ah! Lord, think you yourself
How cruel that word is ugly when you love
In a month, a year, how we suffer,
Lord, so many seas between me and you?
As the day begins, and the day finishes,
Without ever Titus could see Berenice
Without all day I could see Titus?
But what is my mistake, and that care lost!
ungrateful, I left comforted in advance
deign it count the days of my absence
These days so long for me it deems too short

Declaration of love in the theater 1:

From 5 years - This show combines classical dance and theater. Fairy Candide, godmother of the Sleeping Beauty, is exiled by the terrible tale of Carabosse. Fun and excitement of ballet become accessible to all. [...] From 2 years - show tent or theater, illustrated by circus, trapeze, giant unicycle, Chinese pole, juggling, acrobatics, dressing plush magic. Rhymes and fabulettes, minimal and fun, the music Dragibus mixed live by a DJ. [...] The Scapin (from 7 years) - What the hell was he doing in that galley Younger probably retain turn the famous replica of Gerontius Scapin after this warm and spirited performance of the company ECLA theater, which pays homage to the comedy of Molière

Declaration of love in the theater 2.

Evidence vibrating, as the most beautiful declarations of love
For two years, I delivered a meticulous work of research stories through the town of Vincennes. [...] As a balm, I found maternal gentleness and fatherly love. An absolutely huge and surprisingly sensual love. [...] This show, I wanted it as a guide for young couples, expectant parents. Indeed, it is easy to make a child, after this is actually what counts! "

Declaration of love in the theater 3:

This is the story of a boy from a good family, who lives a real intimate drama: he does not understand why everyone considers him a homosexual, then he feels a girl ... who likes boys! This tragicomic initial shift from the one-man show Guillaume Gallienne, a sort of initiatory journey where Guillaume (as the actor talks about his career) will gradually discover that it is not a girl, but a boy, and will eventually take his heterosexuality, causing disbelief in his entourage! A show turns hilarious, poignant, crazy, virtuoso, beautifully written, performed equally well, with no downtime, with moments where laughter is impossible to calm (the "cure" in Germany) and others where the tears make their appearance (a wonderful text on the fact that ultimately, it was not he who was afraid ... but his mother, who harvest the way one of the most beautiful declarations of love that are.)

Declaration of love in the theater 4:

I love that demystifies the theater, which shows that it is accessible. There ahead of us, who remember us from year to year, "says the actor, who will play this year without animal extract Theatre, where a character must wear a wig style Louis XV quit. In previous years, he surprised the users with Trick or Treat by Jean-Marc Dalpe

The declaration of love for theater

That would be a need to talk. Speaking of Love. Yet. To love a project that would take time to exist. Talk about it. Of us. Some shared.
Or not questions. But who cares!
Try to talk about theater. Theatre. This love also, a fantasy
Sung it.. Why not? And why not not find a link between this unquenchable dream ever be and must achieve at all costs, and the love song.
Form of courtship. Through a kind of song, with the only motivation that make sense.


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