Wednesday, August 28, 2013

La plus belle déclaration d'amour en anglais:

If you want to impress someone, forget to praise her for her physical appearance "What beautiful eyes you have" "What muscles" and so on, not only is trivial, but rather useless. A beautiful person, he knows it, though perhaps never admit it publicly or modesty or false modesty, so no smuoverete much. Rather, you find something that YOU hit, a detail that maybe that person is insignificant, or that even it is a quality that not even have, but will be so flattered / a turn to feel for the first time this compliment, that you will make the center of course, and certainly will believe you. For example, you might say, "You know, what I like most about you is your ability to put you at ease a person, it is natural to you, with you, you feel immediately at home." Well, this is certainly a technique of effect, try it.

Déclaration d'amour en anglais 1:

By myself, the more I advanced in years, the more I grow fond of, as well as adore me so much, I do not ever disappoint and I'm not gonna let 'ever, we are a pair well together, and I ME we agree on everything, we do many things together, we understand each other, we have fun, I always amazes ME and vice versa.
I wish everyone to find a beautiful love as IO and ME!

Déclaration d'amour en anglais 2:

We all know, declare his love to someone is not easy. No one says the opposite: the hands tremble, stutter, you do not know where to look ... When do our declaration of love, the nerves We can play a bad joke! But you have nothing to lose, is not it? What is the worst thing that could happen to you? A negative response? Take things in stride. In the end, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Learn to take your failures will make you a more mature person. And if the answer was positive? The uncertainty can be more demoralizing adverse reaction.

Déclaration d'amour en anglais 3:

This song brings me close to the heart of God, because I feel the anointing of the Lord, through the sweet melody.
To you who read these lines, obtain 'love of the Father, the eternal God.
I have some tears while writing this morning
Because I realized at that moment,
infinite love of God I feel
sad when I see so many creatures that God has done to get away from him.

Déclaration d'amour en anglais 4:

It all started when our eyes met,
You spilled my heart, you're upside down.
A wind of love I made him lose his head
Our history is born so she would not stop.
My love is growing every day
I left you in my heart and closes with a double shift.

all become beautiful and wonderful
When I'm going to drown your eyes.
Feelings are created even ignored
They must be stored and do not break.
In your arms I fly away partitai
In a world kind and sweet.

Déclaration d'amour en anglais 5:

You're the love that I want, the more tender than I thought, and then the more altroce ..
You're the way that I go, the one on which I am afraid to stumble if you're not there to give me your hand.
you the most fragrant flower of the grass green, the water lily of the most beautiful lake where running slide when it becomes frozen and my touch gently passandoti close ..
You are the love that I intoxicates the mind,
are the most sublime thought and also the most excruciating, you're the little star button docile and I see in a clear sky and that disappears in the clouds when it becomes dark.

Une déclaration d'amour en anglais:

I have a strong desire to be a bit 'with you ... to give you a hand ... to hold you and kiss you and hug you .. to tell you that I love you to death and never stop to tell you ... to confide .. of .. sfoarmi to listen ... I want to love you like I've maifatto xkè with no girl ... you are my little love ... and I know that without you could not go on ... xkè now you're part of me ... around me ... my life ... my sweetness of my daily life the way I do ... I always look for new words to describe x a great girl ... sweet ... shy ... nice ... beautiful like you ... but now I think the words are finished ... you're my guardian angel that I always think of when I look at the pictures .. its always tell me that my love love me and never stop to do more xkè you say you make me feel good .... I love you my love


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