Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Love Letter in the form of a poem

My dear, I do not often use that word yet
I cherish every moment spent with you.
Today is your birthday and yet it's me
who feel I have the gift of one
your presence at my side

It is true that you changed. There, where you see wrinkles,
me, I see the concern for your children
concerns caused by me, sometimes, your fears, your
torments and pains life.

Your body has changed, it's true.
But I have nothing to do with women laminate.
curves I see are those
your heart and then surpass those other a million times.

There are still deep in your eyes
smile that made me feel so good.
Your hand still has the same sweetness.
The years pass, they leave traces
but as long as they will let us out two sets
I can not expect anything better.

Love Letter 2

It is now two years since we live in a beautiful love story.
Since I met you, my life took a new direction and is given as happiness and good times spent in your company. Your presence, your touches and all evidence of love that you give me every day make you the ideal woman.
You bring me everything a man is entitled to expect from the woman his life, that's why I decided to ask you for your hand.
Marry me!
I would make you happy because I do want one thing, to spend the rest of my life by your side !
I love you.

love letter 3

How difficult it is, suddenly, to know you're so far away when we feel so close! After your phone call, I felt very sad. Of course, you have shown yourself upset this extended stay, but at the same time, you were quite happy because it proves, if I understand correctly, that all goes well for you and the team. And you're right!

I tell myself that my reaction is ridiculous. I should show enthusiasm and patience that would help you better live these few weeks. But starting this letter, I see that the distance between us and it gives me a kind of vertigo, as if it was building a huge dam that keeps me see your face, your smile ... Is it because we know recently? Is it fades with time?

How to tell you that I miss you, while expressing yourself this immense confidence I have in us, in you? I am immersed in my work if taking, I started to open huge books, I went to see some movies, but it was waiting to see you this week. How not to be disappointed

So yes, patience hast thou said. Once past this painful feeling, I'll take me, my love. Otherwise, you'll see me in a bleak day!

Promise, my next letter will absorb the dike, soften the distance and tell you all my happiness to know you. Promised!

I embrace today, with a strange mixture of impatience, sadness and trust.

PS "Out of sight, out of heart"? This is a phrase that has never seemed so stupid

love letter 4

Our conversation yesterday allowed me to understand many things. Given your confusion over what you have to live and trust that you was expressing to me, I feel all sorts of feelings at the same time.

You teach me that you left two months ago, Arnaud and you, you live alone and you have trouble you recover. I found you both sad and quiet, a little too cynical. It made me the trouble, I hate to see you and shot.

But since the time you occupy my thoughts, how do I prevent my heart to do a leap? I do not know if I could hide until the feelings I have for you, you were always so adorable. I love you in silence for a long time ... Until yesterday, I preferred to keep silent out of respect for you and you do not complicate your life, and then as not to risk a 'no'. Today I want you to know that all the attraction that you inspire me, mingled with admiration and affection. Because I want to know as you happy, to see you smile!

Be reassured, I am aware of this event through which you pass. You said yourself, trusting you, you were marked by a sense of failure that you were not ready to experience something different this time. I respect you and love you too much to push you.

I can only hope, my dear Jane, and waiting. I have all the patience it takes to one day become more than a friend and confidant that I have the chance to be last year. You said "very soon", so confidently ...

I embrace you with all my love and passion that I do not want to hide.

Love Letter 5

morning when I open my eyes, it's you I see. Every moment I think of you. All day you're with me. And at night I often dream of you ... Can not wait that day when my dreams come true!

Today more than ever, your love is the only thing that counts carefully on this earth. I found my happiness in you. I found my balance with you. The magical moments we spent together, I forget my worries disappear and the difficulty of my days and nights. It is you, the source that brings me joy, and I can not imagine living without you.

You're my love and passion
You're my everlasting admiration

You're my muse and my exhilaration
Love capsizes me and intoxicates me

You're my freedom and security
The with whom I want to live forever

You have literally changed my life
You've made a beautiful paradise

You made me a man happy
You gave me a bright smile and bright

My love, you are worth more than gold and diamonds
You deserve the heat and the beautiful feelings

Your love makes me reach for the moon
offer you everything I like fortune

Let them say what they want, our Love is my faith
None of them can not destroy what I feel for you

My heart will be yours forever
Perpetually you remain my tender love

love letter 6

It would be great if I could live my dreams. Not the ones I dream at night, but the ones I dream the day whenever I think of you. I dream to live with you. I dream you're with me, so beautiful in my arms. I dream to create a world in us, a world where there will be only you and me, a world where you're the angel that brings me love and joy. I dream of finding you one day, and that our relationship will last forever.

When I think of you
Everything is beautiful and wonderful
cold weather becomes warm
Your rays illuminate everything around me

When I think of you
I forget my troubles and my worries
I forget my sorrows past
Time becomes softer than silk

When I think of you
My language that sing
My heart only dance
I realize my happiness and joy

When I think of you
The brilliance of your angelic smile
Enchant my life makes beautiful
I dream that you're only mine
I can not live without you. I live only thinking of you. We are like a leaf and tree, one can not live without the other. You're the air I breathe, the sun that lights my days, my nights moon light. You're all that matters to me, the blood flowing in my veins, the force that makes my heart beat, and without it there will be death. Your love is really essential. Your presence is definitely irreplaceable. My love for you is absolutely inexhaustible
I love you and I will always be there for you
.! lettre d'amour


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