Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The most beautiful love song statement:

The song you asked yesterday: Vanessa Paradis

You asked yesterday I think about happiness
the nonchalantly now you worry
peace so afraid you would

I love stirs
twigs flew
you see only Fire is its

yet secret life ... yet ... yet

words are, the words are, the words say the words
flow, the words roll on a wire
I leave these microbes, these missiles
to much, poets if possible
oh ... like I love you when you explain yourself
this is funny but ...

I ordered patterns and recipes
fire box, my heart
this small sacrifice is me
dizziness, heat

I love stirs
twigs flew
you see only the fire
is his life
secret yet ... yet ... yet

you know, you asked me yesterday
my vision of happiness
well, every day it is clearer
it will make us more afraid

I love stirs the volaien twigs

you see only the fire is
his secret vision
yet ... yet ... yet

The song of old lovers: Jacques Brel

Declaration of love in song

Of course, we had storms
Twenty years of love, it is 'mad love
thousand times you take your luggage
thousand times I took off my
remembers every piece of furniture in this room

cradle without shards of old storms
Nothing like nothing
You had lost the taste of water
me of conquest

But my love My sweet , my sweet, my wonderful love
dawn clear until the end of the day
I love you still, you know, I love you

Me I know all your spells
You know all my spells
You kept me traps traps
I lost you occasionally
course you took some lovers
He had to spend time
It is necessary that the body rejoices
Finally, finally
It took us a lot of talent
To be old without adult

Oh, my love
My sweet, my tender, my wonderful love
dawn clear until the end of the day
I love you again, you know, I love you

And the more time that we procession
And the more time that we torment
But is not it the worst trap
to live in peace lovers
course you cry a little less early
I tore later
We protect less our mysteries
It leaves less to chance
It is wary of over water
But it is always the soft war

Oh, my love ...
My sweet, my sweet, my wonderful love
dawn clear until the end of the day
I love you still, you know, I love you

The song's hymn to love Edith Piaf

The blue sky on we can s 'collapse
earth may well collapse
I do not care if you love me I do not care
Both qu'l'amour inond'ra my mornings
While my body tremble beneath your hands
No matter my problems
My love as you love me

I would go to the end World
I'd dyed blond
If you asked me I would get

moon I would steal the fortune
If you asked me

I disown my country

disown my friends If you asked me
can laugh at me
I'd do anything
If you asked me

If one day life will tear me
If you die you're away from me
I do not care if you m 'love
For I also die
We will for us eternity
blue the immensity
heaven more problems
My love do you think we love
God meets those who love

The song granny Michel Simon

Mémère, you remember, our beautiful time
It was the first time we liked for good.
Now must say, it looks like old fogies,
But that makes everything, it's the way we.
You s recall your corset, now when I think
I laugh softly but it's stronger than me,
How would you do now to accommodate your belly
We took the bottle both at once.
Mémère, you remember as you did stories
let me pick the daisy fields
Yet it was not really a big deal,
It made you into trouble but it was not bad ...
You remember s as I was, I did not know what to say;
Are blows for a bit, I would have told you worms.
You've changed, granny. When I see your piggy bank,
How it makes me want to do the route in reverse

Mémère!, You remember small mint diabolos
s bottle of sparkling July 14!
coffee éclair, I want to be but you sing!
Honey, you've spilled your drink, should wipe.
God , it's true that I called you sweetheart
Do not blame me, but I did not remember more.
We talk about memories, but it's crazy that we forget.
I request you to pardon, dear, and we do not talk anymore.

Mémère, if I tell you that's to tell you that I love you,
You say it like that, just thought it was too hard for me,
But basically, I'm glad, I see that you have understood anyway,
And I can tell you, grandma, I never liked you

The song declaration of love: Michel berger

. La chanson déclaration d'amour : Michel berger

When I'm alone (e) and I can dream
I dream that I'm in your arms
I dream that I make a low
statement, my statement

When I'm alone (e) and I can invent
Whether you're here beside me
I can imagine a low
statement, my statement

Just two or three words of love
To tell you about us
Two or three words everyday
This is

I could never tell you all that I long
but I would not dare
Like better put in my song
statement, my statement

statement, my statement
Just two or three words of love
To tell you about us
Two or three words everyday
This is

I want memories with you,
pictures with you
travels with you
I feel good when you're there
statement, my statement

I love when you're sad
And you say nothing
I love you when I talk to you
And you're not listening
I feel good, when you're there
statement, my statement

The song Daisy Richard Cocciante

More importantly, I do not want not too
If tonight I go home
I have so many things to do
Before the sun rises

And while she sleep
I will build her dreams
For ever, waking
It does looks crying

And that long night
It is never black and deep
I ask the moon
fill the whole sky

And I can still see me smile like
I ask before

sun burn, even in winter

And she can still sing songs
our bohemian
will build a silent
Bigger than cathedrals

I'll wake lovers
talk for hours
And I know they follow me
As long as we remain lovers

Then we will walk
Together we dance
incredible sarabands
And she forget his sentence

And for the town dance
for the city sings

colors were invented and she forget her tears

We go into the countryside
To pick wildflowers
make a big white bed
Where we fondly love

And then we get to the bottom of the sky
To choose him a star
Cos Marguerite good
Cos Marguerite is beautiful
Cos Marguerite is true
Cos Marguerite sweet
'Cause I love Marguerite
I live for it

Marguerite is my reason
My day, my ideal />
Do not know that it can hurt me

Cos Marguerite
What is that I always want beside me

Marguerite Marguerite Marguerite is everything to me

Marguerite is everything to me

The song come crying: Charles Aznavour

If I hurt you
If I blacked your past
Come cry deep in my shoulder
Come against me
And if I was awkward
I beg you, dear, forgive me

Let your modesty
From more deep in your heart
Come cry the hollow of my shoulder
Forget if you can
Our quarrels lovers
And, honey, we'll be happy

Oh, my love
Do not take me the breath of my life
Neither my joys
what was a moment of madness

Do not say goodbye
We would be too unhappy
Come cry the hollow of my shoulder
Because if you left
If my happiness broke
My love is I who cry

Oh, my love
Do not take me the breath of my life
Neither my joys
which was an instant madness


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