Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beautiful funny love declaration:

I need to talk to you.
It's been some time that I learned by going to the doctor.
But do not panic!
I learned that I 'was an illness and only you can
perhaps heal
I think I'm in love with you

Declaration of Love Funny 1:

In the hope of a love that soon
Pending the next appointment
Where my heart is counting the hours pale
that day when our bodies become crazy
love loving, powerful and forbidden
days every where become a challenge
Passions searing, bordering on madness,
hungry you I
even if it is not me ...

What will happen to our idyll
If tomorrow no decision is taken,
blowing off my star,
on my heart, I would sail ...

Declaration Funny Love 2:

Declaration of love funny

Your parents must be rich to have a drolement tresore like you!
I do not like thieves and yet I love you even if you had to steal my heart!

Declaration Funny Love 3:

Declaration of love funny
Declaration of love funny

I love you T-shirts and gifts for any occasion. Hearts humorous saying I love you more, no I love you more! Humourous hearts love shirts and gifts for couples, kids, moms, dads, boyfriends and girlfriends. Is it not love cool and hilarious

Declaration Funny Love 4:

a kiss is like a whiskey, we always ask double

Declaration of love funny quote

"Selfish is one that does not use every minute of his life to ensure the happiness of all the other selfish. "Lucien Guitry

one funny quote:

"Dreams have been created so that we do not get bored during sleep. "Pierre Dac

Funny Quote 2:

"All night I thought I heard the extra chromosome was spinning around in my box less. "Raymond Devos

Funny Quote 3:

"When we did not have the chance to have alcoholic parents, we need to poison all his life to compensate for the heavy inheritance of their virtues. "Emil Michel CIORAN

Funny Quote 4:

"Making a living is not worth it, we have already waited. The work there is not much should be left to those who like it. 'Coluche

Declaration of love: funny jokes

A blonde discovers that her boyfriend cheating on her with a brunette. Enraged, she expects one day he'll find it takes a gun and landed like a fool in the room where the two lovebirds cooing. . They then begin to scream at the sight of the gun
blonde, a hateful look in his eyes directed against the weapon itself
-. No! Do not do it, crying her unfaithful boyfriend
- Shut up! cried the blonde! When it's your turn

Jokes Funny 1:

A newfi into a restaurant and saw a squashed fly on the wall ... he looks with a very surprised look and said ... "Wash it would fly very fast ... this fly

Jokes Funny 2:

Declaration of love funny

Two Quebecers and newfie are in a tavern and chat, one of Quebecers said "my neighbor asked me to mow his lawn .. .. I said are you crazy, I do not even mow mine ".... The other Quebecers said" it's the same for me, my neighbor asked me to wash his car ... I told him you're sick, I do not even wash mine ... "The newfi in turn said," It's the same for me ... my neighbor (a beautiful woman) asked me to make love to her ... I said are you crazy, I do not even make love to my wife ...

Jokes Funny 3:

An old woman comes to see his lawyer because she has to pay him a fee note for $ 800. She gave him a $ 1000, but did not realize another ticket for the same amount is stuck in first. The same evening, the lawyer is aware of the existence of this second ticket, and then tormented by a very serious ethical question: 'Should I tell my partner

Funny Jokes 4:

In the show, a ventriloquist puppet told her: - Tell me, Pipo, I think you have a good story to tell! And puppet answer - Oh yes! So this is the story of a blonde ... Suddenly, a blonde stands in the middle of the room and shouts: - Enough jokes about blondes! It does not stop being ridiculed! Uncomfortable, the ventriloquist replied: - But excuse me, ma'am ... You know, if we were doing this, it's just for fun! The blonde replied: - Shut up! It's not you I'm talking about is the small next to you!


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